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Forever Clear BBL

Forever Clear BBL Treatments

Get Rid Of Acne ASAP

If you’ve experienced acne, you’ve probably tried every trick in the book to try and clear it up. One new acne treatment that is seeing great results across many patients is the Forever Clear BBL treatment. If you’re thinking of trying a new treatment for clearing up your acne, you may want to consider the Forever Clear BBL treatment. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is The Forever Clear BBL Treatment?

In short, the Forever Clear BBL treatment is an FDA approved treatment for acne that uses Sciton’s latest laser technology. The Forever Clear BBL treatment uses pulsed infrared light to cleanse the clogged pores that are causing the acne, leaving you with clear, healthy, and clean skin. It also triggers the body’s natural production of collagen, rejuvenating your skin and leaving it tighter and thicker.

The beauty of the Forever Clear BBL treatment is that practically everyone can be a candidate. Since it is a non-invasive, quick, and virtually painless treatment, it’s great for anyone that is suffering from acne.

The Process

The treatment process of the Forever Clear BBL laser involves three different steps. In the first step, the skin is treated with blue light to eliminate any acne-causing bacteria. Second, yellow BBL light is pulsed to reduce inflammation and any acne redness. Third, the skin is then treated with a rapid, gentle pulsing infrared light that helps stimulate the body’s natural healing process.

Is it Painful?

The treatment is relatively painless, not even requiring topical anesthetics. For most BBL treatments, patients experience a ‘rubber band snapping’ sensation. Other than that, the treatment is gentle and non-invasive.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Depending on how many areas are being treated, the Forever Clear BBL treatment typically takes about 15 minutes to 1 hour. Each patient is different, and some may need longer and more frequent treatments compared to others.

When Will I See Results?

After just one treatment, you can expect to see near immediate results. After the redness and swelling goes down, you may notice that your skin will appear clearer and healthier. Over time, your body will continue to repair and revitalize the treated areas of skin, leaving your skin looking amazing.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Since the treatment is gentle and non-invasive, the Forever Clear BBL treatment typically has minimal side effects. These include a sunburn-like sensation on your face, temporary darkening of some skin pigments, and mild facial irritation. You may also potentially experience some redness, bruising, and swelling.

Questions About Forever Clear BBL Laser Treatments? 

Contact our office today for a complimentary consultation. We welcome the opportunity to educate you of your options and earn your business!