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The First And Only Injectable Double Chin Treatment

What Is Kybella®?

Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that eliminates fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve a patients profile. This revolutionary injectable treatment provides a non surgical option for the removal of fat under the chin commonly referred to as the “double chin.”

How Does Kybella® Work?

By strategically injecting the Kybella® solution into a patients fat under the chin, fat cells begin to break down and become expelled by the body. These fat cells are damaged by the deoxycholic acid in Kybell® which helps achieve long lasting improvements to the chin area.

How Long Do Kybella® Results Last?

As Kybella® damages the fat cells instead of shrinking them patient outcomes tend to be long lasting. Improvements from treatment will appear gradually with full benefits showing a few months following treatment. Lasting effects from treatment are different for each patient.

Questions About Kybella® Treatments?

Contact our office today for a complimentary consultation. We welcome the opportunity to educate you of your options and earn your business!